Sunday, February 21, 2010

What My Heart Desires Blog Review

I saw a couple of comments on Bedroom Blog recommending this blog, and my initial reaction was "Not Another One", but I checked it out anyway. I have to say I LOVE this blog. I like it because the main characters are older, mid 40's. The storyline is great, spelling and grammar are great, and it's very easy to follow. The only thing I have an issue with is: these people like to have lots and lots and lots of sex...LOL, but her details for those scenes can get you all hot and bothered!!! This blog is complete, and she does have another blog starting in April! I definitely give it 2 thumbs up!!!!


Thanks so much for posting this blog. I just started reading it and am completely hooked:)
Very good reading and what I love so far as it is about older characters which is a nice change. I definitely recommend this blog. Thanks S!


I just haven't had the time to really read this blog. I did read like the first 2 chapters and can see how someone could get really hooked on it. And I do enjoy tastefully done sex blogs. Not porographic ones, like one of the ones I believe we reviewed on here. I am going to continue to read this one as it did really peak my interest in the first 2 posts. I would recommend it.


  1. I know this doesn't pertain to this specific blog that you have listed. I just wanted to ask if anyone knew what happened to the "Fifteen Miles from Utopia" blog? The old website doesn't work. Is there a new website for this blog?

  2. Thank you ladies! I appreciate your comments. I just found this blog and it seems great! I like the different voices on it.
